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  • Product made to order.
  • Carbon fiber hexacopter.
  • Equipped with audio system to simulate birds of prey, shooting, etc.
  • Completely automated take-off and landing.
  • Video circuit.
  • Autonomous battery chargers.
  • UgCS autopilot software license.

Bird-Deterrent Drone



    We sell all our products through distributors.

    We'll send your order proposal to the one nearest you and you'll receive a personalised quotation.

Do you need solutions?

Installers and distributors in your area


We have expert installers and distributors near you.

10-year warranty 


All our products are subject to strict quality controls and have a European seal of guarantee with the date of manufacture.

Do you need help installing on your own?


Any questions?  Bird-Tech technicians are at your entire disposal to help you whenever you might need them.

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